Hi everyone, I hope you are all well, and making the most of the sunshine if you are lucky to have some in your are. I am just waiting for the washing machine to finish so I can get some washing pegged out. It is so much nicer being able to dry things outside now instead of indoors it smells so much fresher.
I was luck enough to have been given tickets to the Cake and Bake Show that was held at the Gmex Center last weekend. One of my Site Managers knows I am mad on cooking and baking and as a surprise organised for me to have tickets. I encouraged hubby to go with me mainly because, I didn't want to drive to Manchester but we decided to go on the train. I don't do trains so wasn't looking forward to this but as there is a train station very close to where I live and the stop we need to get off at was Deansgate, it made sense and saved a lot of money and stress of battling the city traffic. We strolled down to the train station and boarded the train, considering I haven't been on a train since I was little it was quite enjoyable. We chatted and watched the scenery as we passed through each station. We arrived at Deensgate and walked through the station over the tram lines and we were there, it was so easy. We waited in line for a few minuted then we went in and I collected our tickets from the booking office. We had a stroll round looking at the various stalls, there was quite a bit to see, but I wanted t catch some of the demonstrations. Lost hubby along the way but didn't worry too much as i knew I would find him later. I took in a demo by Mitch Turner, they handed out a recipe card of one of her cakes, she showed us how to do the frosting on it. It was a raspberry frosting but she had colored four portions of it with raspberry coolie and it gradually got lighter and lighter as the piping got to the top of the cake. I thinks it is one I will have a try at, the effect was really good.
Eric Lanlard was also there giving demos, I couldn't get close enough to see his but enjoyed listening to him he has such a lovely french accent and I have enjoyed his series which has bee on television "Baking Mad".
Paul Hollywood had also been there but as I went on the Saturday I missed him as he had done his demonstrations on the Friday, never mind I will just have to watch him on the telly.
It was good to see families with young children arriving as well, and they children looked really interested in what what going on.
I took some photos of some of the exhibits they were fab especially the one designed as a dress it was so intricate, unfortunately I didn't get a photo of the back as there were too many people around, but it certainly gives you the encouragement to have a go.

The dress cake has been my favorite of these pictures. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am sooo anxious to finish my little blanket and post about it. Your cakes are so pretty; mine look like a child made them. :)