A while ago now we had our Granddaughter to stay with us for a couple of nights so our Son and his partner could have some much needed them time. We went into overdrive and went out an bought some baby things as we had nothing, our son is 25 now so his baby things are long gone. We were going to look at a travel cot and I met hubby after work at our local Mothercare. I lost him somewhere in the store and when we found each other he said "come and look at these". I followed him and realized he had been looking at the proper thing. We didn't buy a travel cot in the end we walked out with a proper cot, mattress, changing mat, bedding bale, sterilizer and bottles, we also bought a high chair a baby walker and a musical toy for her cot. I think this is going to be one very much spoiled Granddaughter but hey why not, Granddad is enjoying himself, he chose most of it. Here are a couple of pics that we took when she was here, apologies for the quality but I am no photographer I am a cake maker!

And lastly just had to share this one, she will probably never forgive me for sharing this but she looked so cute, this was her first taste of porridge.