Our garden is finally getting some colour, although it is still very wild and jungle looking, but we enjoy being out in it and it mostly looks after itself. Here are a few of the potted ones we have done. I also have a few bushes that blossom such as a white jasmine and an orange blossom bush which is nestling in amongst the other plants. They both give off the most beautiful scent in the early to late evening. It's lovely sitting out on a warm night. There is also a view of the bottom of our garden where we have a pond and small waterfall, the water lilies on this are just starting to bud so I hope to have some photos of that soon. The other side of the garden has a broad leaf bamboo and acer bush.
Finally a couple of pictures of our Australis, we thought we had lost this with the bad winter but look what's growing at the bottom of one of the trunks.